Sunday, September 10, 2006


Today we went into London to meet up with our son Martin for lunch. Have not seen Martin for such a long time. It was good seeing him again after so long. He is doing well and happy at what he is doing. It is indeed satisfying to see children doing well. Makes it all worthwhile.

We have not been to London for quite a while. It has not lost it charm. As it was such a nice day, people are al out having a good time. Chinatown is still the same, crowed and vibrant. There are new shops and restaurants here and there, but on the whole it is still a very interesting corner of London. As always lunch was good.

After lunch and a walk through Piccadilly and Leicester Square we poceeded to Baron's Court to visit Yuen and Keng Yoong and their newborn baby. Baby Rae-Lin is coming along well.

Coming home on the underground we met up with the Arsenal fans returning home after their 1 -1 draw at home with Middlesbrough. Must have been a disappointing match for the Arsenal fans. No wonder there wasn't any faces amongst them.

Visiting London on a nice sunny day like today is good and enjoyable.

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